Legal note

Höschle + Dirauf, translators and interpreters, verifies and updates the information on this website regularly. Despite all care data can temporarily change. Höschle + Dirauf assume no liability or guarantee that the provided information is up-to-date, correct and complete.

Höschle + Dirauf reserve the right to change or update at any time the information, products or services offered on this website without prior notice.

Concept and web design:
pixel2point, Heidelberg
Text design:
klartextbuero, Heidelberg

Company information in accordance with § 5 of the German Telemedia Act
Christina Höschle
Graduate translator
Anette Dirauf
Graduate interpreter
Übersetzer und Dolmetscher
Märzgasse 18
69117 Heidelberg
Telefon: 06221_163154
Telefax: 06221_163156
Company head office:Heidelberg
Registration court: Mannheim
PR 330001
VAT Reg. No.: DE 179520494
C.Höschle + A.Dirauf